বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৯৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

2 fo, soft, refreshing, cool, smooth. স্নিগ্ধ মূৰি, clement, placid, mild. o, leaked or oozed out. Ħzil, daughter-in-law, son's wife. স্নেহ, affection, love; grease, oil. da zJ, any greasy liquid, oil. Colosso, a favourite, beloved one. of-w, shaking, vibrating, agitation. zorů, presumption, challenging. **t, touch, touching, feeling. *Issy, a tangent. *Pi*t, a spy, an informer. so, plain, manifest, clear. [ly. soczi, plainly, manifestly, clears?"J, palpable, tangible. o, touched, brought in contact. ol, longing, inclination, desire. son, hood of a snake; alum. sofas, crystal, quartz. সফটিকারী, alum. - *RFTAT, plenty, abundance. f=FFE, the buttocks. for, plentiful, abundant. সফীত, swelled, enlarged, inflated. sofo, a swelling; prosperity. o, burst, opened, manifest. *FFF, a shield. o, a clap of thunder. of, a tent. sofo, a spark, a particle of fire. সফুন্তি, liveliness, cheerfulness, alacrity; expansion, utterance. Cofiño, a boil, tumour, abscess. so 201 সোত o otos.bursting, rupture; a gimlet. o, uncommon pride, boast. asos, the Hindu Cupil; remember ***, remembrance, memory. স্মরণীয়, menorable. স্মর স্মৰ, Jull oss. otos, the nails. *uğT[zizf, saliva. *ATTF, reminding; retentive. *Its, skilled in jurisprudence. farz, a smile. ofo, recollection; Hindu code. Coos, a smile, simper. স্কোরবিকির, a peacock. *D73, force, haste. [chariot. #Town, oozing, trickling; a warসন্নঃ, spring-water. *UIR1, grown up, adult; sensible. GIJSF, joy, gladness. Hist, sewing, stitching. jJR, ray, beam, the sun, a mat tress of rags Bioso, dropping or falling down. Host, falling down. Ho, chaplet of flowers, necklace. go, 534, Io, a flow, flowing. Bioso, a market. - #51, a creator, inventor, maker. সুখসী, falling down. &#3, a sacrificial ladle. স্রোতঃ, a current, stream, course. GTori, a sea, an ocean. Gisool, a river, flowing stream.