বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৩০১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

স্বীয় o, deprecation of evil. * †, ease, comfort. :Itti, sister's son, nephow. aross, one's own likeness. gizposta, a logician. atzog, signature, autograph. afsrs, welcome, salutation. *T*) ease, comfort. $t &aj, indepenlence, wilfulmess. ato, flavour, taste; tasting. * 7, sweet, tasty, savoury, nice. Raút, grapes, raisins. asso, made one's own, subjectatáta, independent, free. [ed. #18JTI.inaudible muttering, read ing the l'edas. ois, sound, report. osso, the mind, thought, intellect. otos, sleep, insensibility. atoos, wealth, property. *I'vso, a will beast. a stfo, natural, inherent, innate. affo, lordship, ownership. atom, a husband, master, owner. *Tsso, self-acquired. atos, one's own object or interest. # of vig, selfish, self interested. *I*T, good health, relief, ease. স্বিৎ , question, argument. foss, expanded by heat, sodden. Hitoss, confession, promise. স্বীকৃত, agreed to, confessed. o, own, private, peculiar. 203 হাড়

  1. tol, a faithful wife. cool, one's own wish, impulse. ofssor, following one’sown wish. cosa, sweat, warmth, steam. Coso gi, engendered by warmth. czast, a caldron, a frying pan. cazr, free, independent. to foot, adulteress, loose woman. ÈHát, self-willed, obstinate. cãiviff#s, self-aequired. carzotz, welfare, prosperity. Cossoszi, the sediment of oil.

玄1 ots, to be; from ; than. * 3: , becoming, being, existing. * 371, being, existence, possibility. ーへ石。 a ន, drake, swan. * Arizo, ornament for the feet. z^zi*i7, caret to mark omission. ***izifwi, virumilion. হ সবীজ, duck's egg. হ৭ সাভিখ্য, silver. হককার, a call. zfig, sneezing. * j, a weekly market. [pet. of affäät, a prostitute, strumo, violence, rapine, outrage. £57, receding, fallingback, retreat. *ots,accidentally, suddenly, easily. ofs, stocks, wooden fetters. * 3:51, a push, a shove. * 95, a bone; low, mean, vulgar. EIGT FR, beingstartled, sputtering.