বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৫৬

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ওষ্ঠ eastfä, profession of a snake catcher or of an exorcist. go, rising, mounting, recovering. 3 oxity, wrapping one’s self up. gfool, a species of paddy. &##1, foreign, strange; wilful. &s, ambush, a screen. g-sco, extension, expansion. 35, a cat. ও তুপতি, resembling the freaks of a cat; irregular; by fits and starts. gosi, there, in that place. gait, food, boiled rice. escos, on that side, yonder. ego, cacophonous, harsh. &CW, damp, moist, wet. gotá, the opposite shore, across. SEITZF, a l'aven ; vomiting. $a, end, boumdary, limit. gas", a stitch, sewing. gāzi, senseless, void of a knowledge of right and wrong; vicious. g5, 33, an edible root. gärt, descending from, alighting; the plumb line. gātū, the cholera morbus. goal, a vocative among women. gs, dew, frost, cold, snow. [cine. gafo, annual plants, herbs, medigoto, the moon, [with grain. gota, supplying a mill or mortar gota, stirring up, trimming. go, the upper lip, the lip. 48. કેન્ન gsforz, come to the lips. This word is applied to the soul when about to leave the body. gotosí, the upper and lower lips. goj, labial, pronounced by the lips, EHTT, width, breadth. ggs, a hoarding up, amassing. So ICT, in that place, there. 3Co., a vocative, 0, oh. કે ঔক্ষক, a herd of bulls. 3-II, boiled rice, &c. *fso, suitability, propriety. 35, height, elevation, altitude. ঔড়ম্বর, made of the wood of the fig-tree or of copper. 3 soj, excessiveness, fury. $szĘ:#ff, excellency, superiority. ềsoiffGF, portentous, outrageous, §s offo, relating to a sacrifice, natural. 3's Toj, zeal, exertion, anxiety. Şafīā, gluttonous, greedy. ğ7f:5, diluted buttermilk. êWTzú, mumificence, candour, liberality. [thropy. *WTAJ, solitude, loneliness; misanềāEJ, violence, tyranny, tumult. èạifşar, a marriage-gift. ঔধ স্য, the milk of beasts. 3viziţfgzi, relating to the investi ture of the Poito or sacred thread.