বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৫৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কট zooi, a tortoise, a turtle. zool, a species of grass. zoo, the itch, a scab. zĒSĪGIFT, kneading, tempering. zŘEJT, budding, sprouting. zosso, scrubbing, washing, rinsing. agazit, court of justice, an office where any public business is transacted. ziggzi,eyepaint,lampblack; cloud. zoo, a switch of bamboo. zoos, the slough of a snake when cast off. zooga, a bodice, coat of mail. কঞ্চকাH, the black cobra de capello. কঞ্চকী, an eunuch in charge of the Zenana. zofol, a bodice or jacket. [rope. zoo, Bramha, the sun; belly; a zo, suddenly, hastily; the temples of an elephant; mat; a straw rope; a bond. zozo, bracelet; city; camp; the table land on a mountain. z Grgizi, a spittoon, pikdán. zo-ITW-5, the crow. zool, how much or many ? ; yellow ish, sallow, wan. zoo, glance, significant look. ots, ossi, suddenly, hastily. o, time of spring-tide; faded. Koto, a caldron, stew-pan; the shell of a tortoise, 50 কড়ি aff, the waist, loins, hips. zşfữtzitat, the buttocks. affail, a girdle for the loins. zofoil, hard, severe, disagreeable. zo, acrid, stinking, spiteful. কটুকটব্য, scurrilous language. zīstūs, musquitoes. কটুক্তি, scurrility, obscenity. *ECWT:T1, an earthen cup, drinking vessel. zoosa, one of a degraded caste. কটকটু, a throbbing sensation; a clatter. - zêñR1, harshness, unfeelingness; farming at a rack rent. zrjta, a dagger, poniard, dirk. *II-II, a part of the Rig-Vedas. afāa, hard, solid, difficult, severe. Kosos, hard, difficult, unfeeling. o, a kind of bracelet. zGGzē5, fine sea-salt. zool, the stalk of a plant, sucker. Koo, stalk of a pot-herb; the original, a cause. Kosi, hard, strong, firm, harsh. GF1, ring, link, caldron; cowry. Foss, with effort, gratingly. zşgtfRHII, reckoning by cowries. ZENGİZT, tawny; cement. zofo, a cowry; wood, a beam. of goofy, a beam in a building. <sfg:Ffz, healing, skinning over of a sore,