বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৬১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


      • Izrű, paralytic, palsied. o, a blanket, woollen rug. o, a shell, conch; bracelet; neck. কম্বগ্রীবা। a neck on arked like a shell. GEI, lustful, passionate. oil, charcoal, coal. os, the hand; tribute; a ray. Esto, a storehouse, granary. o, a pomegranate tree; tribute; a bird; cocoanut shell. Kosos, a kind of sea-salt. goofs, soft, unhardened. ¬I, the hip. oso, the hail; a devotee's waterKososos, a cocoanut tree, spot. #3 cogitot, the lines in the palm

of the handl. £a.theheal; coeoamut-shellcup. of 51, written assessment, levy. করাটক, a crow. gro, doing, making, practising. zoo, the surds. Kosos, by means of. To, a bee-hive; a basket. Kosoi, palm of the hand; subjecGTEīzi, a cymbal. [tion. of-it, clapping of the hands. 353 Gio, the head. কর পত্র. I saw. otos;z, talking by signs. zososoi, a double handful. ososos, a sword, scimetar. oissol, a short thick stick. 3. কর্ণ o কর পূট, hands joined or folded together. of 5, a young elephant or camel. zog stor, the lion. Ross, an action, fate, luck. zog srst, a prisoner. zoos issol, a rosary, bead-roll. Kosso, mixed, joined. Fogo, nail of the fingers. zogtsägi, stunted in growth. zostol, a causing to do. zosts, a saw. করারোট, a ring. ossos, dreadful, huge, high. করিমাচল, a lion. zost, an elephant. gota, the dried cakes of cowdung. Roal, clemency, mercy, pity. zoos, the osprey. FC els an elephant. কর্যেট the skull. zozłośā, a crab, the sign Cancer. z=#F, a cucumber. #z5#, the plum-tree. কককর, gravel; a grating noise; a painful sensation arising from dust in the eye. zost, a small water-pot. zoo, hard, rough, unkind. #53, the sulphate of arsenic. zoo the ear; a rudder. so, the cavity of the ear. কর্ণগুথ, ear-wax.