বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৬৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কাল 60 zotz fözo, investigating, causative. কারণীভূত, possessed of causality. zotzscosos, special plea. zşTZTĘ šīt, a brazier. zososz, a crow. [panтотфит. zotzsät, the seed of the anethum z5TavTfùi, artifice, trick; an act of fraud. কারণ, কারাগার, কারাগৃহ, a prison. zosostzsos, a shoemaker. zFIfFÆzs, a mechanic, artizan. zoffiz;1, act, profession; an actress; a sharp pain; interest of money. 2513, workman, artist, maker. *Tofaz, compassionate, kind. assot, a leech. FTF-I, pity, tenderness, kindness. zotofoil, expert, active, skilful. GTZÉ IJ, hardheartedness, unfeel ingness. কাৰ্ত্তস্বর, gold. zoratfozo, an astrologer. zoffo, the seventh Hindu month, কাপট, Jac. [a Hindu deity. zētøfqJ, parsimony, niggardliness. zosoft-i, cotton, cotton-plant. *Toto, magic, sorcery, witchcraft. *Toto, a bow; a bamboo. zotosí, a work, affair, effect. assos, thin, emaciated. of so, a tiller, cultivater of the soil. Efsstofs, sixteen puns of cowries. zosos, time; death; black. কালী zētāfē$, black, filthy, squalid. zofotai, an uproar, hubbub, asso, a deadly poison. Fossos, the sun. zososote, the liver. কালগুন্থি, year. zỹf=ĩ#fsít, death ; regard to time. zāsā’īzā'ir, a coat of mail. zotocol, an unlucky hour. of Toto, spending of time. zÉfäff*fzT1,thelivideolour ofabruise. কালসৰ্প, the black cobra de capello. zosososos, the antelope. *Tā’īā, a Hindu hell. zßf=ĩC3ĩ#I, butter milk. zo[51, deaf; very cold ; black. <STETIf, final conflagration. stato-Tăt the black bee. zosaiso, Yama, regent of death. :FT&T’s, the hood of a serpent. zĒffF, numerical result of calculation of the area of a piece of land; ink. zosso, the idol Kálá; clouds; ink. zĒTÍF5, a water-melon;anelephant; a snake. [bruise. zossäS1, a scar, black mark of a zšTfăog1, decayed thatch. zossoit, fatal, mortal, ruinous. zstfäss, blackness, darkness. zÞtfãs, sunburnt, tawny. *Tait, the idol Kālā; ink, a stain; Leloud. zotzitzi, relating to time.