বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৭৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কোথা càts, a fish-spear, harpoon. [front. gå155, the clothes tucked up in &#15, plaiting, folding, puckering. căsăl, the front tuck of a garment. goto, a wolf; chameleon; date Goszoo, a pigeon. [tree. Cząszoo, the red lotus. Cząsoszo, the sun. কোকাহ, a white horse. [coal. Gosfos, the Indian cuckoo; a live. Costăţoffs, the full moon in Ashwin. of 5, a tower, fort, citadel. Cosso,a thatcher, a hedger. c=fāzī, mincing, pounding. czgāzi, a pimp, a procurer. cÆTūzs, the hollow of a tree, a den. cost; so, a police officer, guard. &FTfö, ten millions; a sword-point; a wager, a promise. কোটিশ, a ladder. কোটীর, a crown, a diadem. &T; , o, a tower, fort, citadel. ofy, leprosy, ringworm. gol, a brick-built house. cosyst, digging, perforating. cosol, a whip, scourge; a digger of tanks or wells. cosa, Cossal, a corner, angle. cĒTogo, a louse. &siosol, a diagonal line. &Tāt, angular; a crooked arm. C-GT2f, sore eyes, gangrene. &I21, anywhere, where 2 68 কেহি? cosmo, a bow, the eye-brow. Coso,any, some; colos who? what? &EToi, wrath, fury, rage; a blow. Gosz'sso, digging; provoking to anger. ÇTosi, angry, wrathful, furious. Gosfos, learned, wise. Goofssos, the loins, the waist. GEISTEI, soit, tender, mild, gentle. CGTATZF, a flower-bud. &T; , scratching, scraping. &ïfzf*3, hydrocele. &T&T, embrace; point of the com pass; a raft; a hog, a harbour (KFIFīKF, pepper. (FIzi*TEt, postscript, appendix. &T=TGosso, mutual embracing. Goits, welcome, encouragement. CSI:TICTY, a large kind of frog. Goioios, noise, shouting, tumult. &T, a bud; a drinking vessel; an egg; a sheath; treasury; dictionary. কোষলিক, bribe. [vessel. Goss', a canoe, a boat-shaped CoTT5III, a treasury. gossat, a boat-shaped sauce-vessel. garš, a granary, chamber; ordure. Østôt, fate, destiny, horoscope. ÇöTs5, lukewarım, tepid. Gosso, wine; music; a dramatic performer. Cososol, fog, mist, haze. -