বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৮২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

খাদ 74 onto, a ditch, trench, pit. *T*.*, dross, sediment, dregs. *Isèzo, pretence, deception. *Totai, greedy, voracious. *T&T, eating; corroding. *IISTR, feeding, grazing. ostol, devouring, destructive. *Tson, a long-bladed sword. off:f31, a broom, a besom. orfül, a kind of sweetmeat; hard. *Isfüß, fried paddy, *Togs, a date, date-tree. 2TG, a bedstead, bed; dwarfish. খাট দৃষ্টি, short-sighted; niggardly. *Issa, labouring, working. *Is it, wages; task, toil. খাট মল, a bug. *Isèzil, a screen, a sieve. *(iiifo, setting to work, engaging or employing men to any busi meSS ; SOurotsi sã, an interval, space between any two boundaries. ostol, refined, approved. *Togai, crack in the ground. *ITV1, erect, upright, standing. oftfozo, a confectioner. •Tia, «TZI, apiece, individualthing. offs, a ditch, channel, pond. »ITEZĘ, a debtor, borrower; a ditch. *Issoi, promissory note. *T*1, a plot of land; account-book. *Iw, the dross of metal. খিড়

  • ITMA, an eater; corrosive. otson, eating, corroding. *Tsū, a club, bludgeon; a piece. *[[W], eatable; article of food. *ITT, a ravine, pit; food. *Isso, a little; breach in a wall;

a miner. *ITsoi, a house-breaker, burglar. off-off, piecemeal, in pieces. orizi, a sheath, scabbard. *Itzizi, a tile, potsherd. *Toil, a mouthful, handful. *IIs, an envelope. - »ITETT, a threshing-floor, [pinch. *IISISIR, pinching, taking up a off:[1, upright, honest; payable without any deduction. orså, a creek, bay, inlet. *Täsät, a salt-manufactory. *Tālāt, a sailor. ofsso, empty; a spasm, cramp. »Tg, bad, inferior, ugly. fosfos, a fox. [female fox. forfg, legs of a bedstead; a fossig, dirt ; low, obscene. forbs, a mixture, medley; a dish made of rice and split peas. fossfugl, vulgar, low, obscene. foston, mouthing, making faces. ÍofĒ, rust, scuri, mildew. fossfototz, fretting, complaining. forbfossal, peevish, querulous. f2Rgast, venetians, a back door