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পাতা:বালচিকিৎসা - প্রথম খণ্ড.pdf/১৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

PREFACE. Though the Bengali language has, within last few years, inade considerable progress and improvement, and received an impetus altogether unprecedented in the history of any other living language, yet it is far inferior in powers of expression to the highly developed languages of England, France, Italy and Germany. Its deficiency particularly manifests itself when a new work is to be written on Medicine and Surgery. Hundreds of new words fire to be coined from the nexhaustible mino of Sanserit, which is properly termed the language of languages, but so long it is not more widely cultivated among us, this difficulty will continue to stare in the face, all who attempt undertakingh in that direction." Ris g Though such eminent men as Pundit Mọdhoo Soodun Goopta, Baboos Prosumo Coomar Mittre, Annoda Churn Kastogiri, Doorga s Doss Kur, Khettro Nath Dutt, Gunga Persad Mookerjea, and others have to a great extent, supplied this desideratum, yettkeir combined efforts have not cleared up the way for after-adventurors in that field, who are often puzzled to find out proper words in Bengali to express ideas borrowed from the highlv advanced "Medical Science of the West. Many unable to coin them from' the Sanscrit or to find their equivalentšitšhet tongue, write down English words in Bengali Characters a practice which render medical works hardly intelligible to the general public. I have very largely employed the technical terms and phrases made use of, by the above named authors and when Lecessary, coined new words. In portions of the work I have to use new names of diseases and in others modified those already in use. * The present work does not pretend to be the first of its kind, Baboo Prosunno Coomar Mittre and Mir Asruff Ali have already