পাতা:বালচিকিৎসা - প্রথম খণ্ড.pdf/১৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

WI eases of the urinary organs. (3) Diseases of the respiratory organs. (4) Diseases of the circulatory organs. (5) Diseases of the nervous system, (6.) Eye-diseases. (7) Ear-diseases. (8) Skin diseases. Cowing to restlessness of disposition, Children are occasionally liable to accidents, such as Fracture, Dislocation, Burns and Cuts, after describing which I have treated of congenital malformations. It was originally my intention to include in one volume all those diseases which have been above ensumerated, but afraid of inconveniently increasing its bulk and not quite confident of the reception the work would meet with from the profession and the public, I have divided it into two parts, of which the first is now published, which if approved and appreciated will be quickly followed by the second. * The work..is not a translation of any particular treatise, but has been compiled from several standard English and Continental authors with due regards to the peculiar customs and usages of this country. Much assistance has been derived from the works of the undermentioned eminent physicians - Drs. T. Bull, Goodeve, Carbyne, Cazeaux, E. Smith, Tanner, West, Reynold (his system of medicine), Trausseau, Diday, Addison, and others. Dispensaries have now been opened in almost every place, names of English Medicines have therefore been given in Bengali characters, that persons not versed in the science may write out prescriptions from the book and obtain"medicines from nearest medical depót. - --> “fastly I acknowledge Joy obligation to Baboos Ram Tarun Shironoy an Kadar Nath Banerjea, Pundits of the Kandi Rajah's School for the trouble they have taken or carrecting proofs. - KANDI The 1st March, 1873. H. N. BANDYOPADHYA,