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পাতা:বিবিধ প্রবন্ধ (প্রথম খণ্ড) - গিরীন্দ্রকুমার সেন.pdf/১৮৯

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

키ff 89o Choose y ou companions most carefully, for a man is known by the company he keeps. (see p 23) 89 I he advantages of cultivating good and av omdmng evil company (see p 23) » I 892 The evul consequence of ev«cessive av arıce (see p. 94) 1893 Honesty is the best policy (see p 6 894 Virtue alone is happiness below (see p 61) 895. The highest of virtue is to do good to others (see p 38 1896 I he advantages of associating with the vil tuOus and the clev er and the disddvantages of associating With unprincipled and 1lliterate people (see p 23) 1897 The advantages of acquiring a habit of depending upon one's own selt (see p 29) I 898 Patence and persev erande dan overco e all difficulties, or, where there is a will there 1s a way (see ) 48, 52) I899. Industly and trugalitv ale the onlv way to wealth. (see p 75) 9oo Do your duty come what may (see p 77 I 9o I Hard and honest work is the only means of w Inning honour and (1stincton In life (See p 75) go2 IThe advantages of forming habits of selflellance from our earliest years (see p. 29) 1 903 Industry and perseverance ovet come all difficulties see p. 48, 52) 19o4 A vicious life dan nevel be a happy life. 1905 Courage to do one's duty (see 77) 1906 The way to wealth is broad It consists of two wolds, Industry and Frugality,' that is, never spend your tıme and money ın vaın (See p 75) 1907. The respective duties of teacher and pupil 19o8 Industry brings its own reward The last summer vacation and the use you made of it I909 The value of a great and good life (see p 174) he natural scenerary of Bengal The story of Nala and Damayanti (see p 160) A business training is necessary for a busness career (see p II o 3)