পাতা:ভিষক্‌-দর্পণ (ঊনবিংশ খণ্ড).pdf/৪৮২

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

1909–November 1st. PROMOTION EXAMINATION, CIVIL ASSISTANT SURGEONS. MEDICINE. .* [THREE QUESTIONS CNLY TO BE ANswered. } 1. What are the modern views regarding the causation of Kala Azar P What is your opinion of the value of the organic preparations of Arsenic in the treatment of this disease ? 2. Give the symptoms of a typical case of Disseminated Sclerosis. State what you know of the causation and pathology of this disease, 3. Mention the symtoms, signs and treatment of Aneurysm of the abdo minal aorta. 4. What are the causes of pleurisy P Give the physical signs of pleural effusion. SURGERY. [Three questions only to Be Answered. ) 1. Give the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of Scirrhus Carcinoma of the Breast. 2. Give the causes of Iritis. How would you distinguish a case of Iritis srom one of Glaucoma, and what treatment would you adopt for each of these diseases P How would you disserentiate between a case of dislocation of the head of the femur and one of stacture of the neck of the femur, and what is the appropriate treatment for each of these conditions P 事 4. What are the causes of Acute Intestinal Obstruction ? How would you diagnose and treat this condition ? MII) WIFERY. [ ANY THREE QUESTIONS MAY BE ANSWERED BUT on Ly THREE. J 1, In a breech presentation what are the causes of delay in the birth of the buttocks and how would you deal with these difficulties P 2. What risks are connected with prolapse of the Cord P In a case of prolapse of the Cord, what would you do (a) early, (b) late in labour P Describe a case of Pueperal sever and give the treatment that should be adopted. 4. How do you come to the conclusion that an Abortiod. is “inevitable” and how would you manage such a case ? MEDICAL JURIS PRUDENCE. 1. , Describe the post-mortem appearances that may be present in strangulation. "Discuss the points that may arise in considering whether it is homicidal, suicidal or accidental. C2. w 2. Describe the signs ‘that may be present in a female aster criminal miscarriage—both during life and after death. 3. What are the symptoms of Ptomaine poisoning P Mention the treat 4. Describe briefly the more important causes of insanity. What is meant by the term “Lucid Intervals”.