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পাতা:ভিষক্‌-দর্পণ (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড).pdf/২০৯

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

CN, São e 8 || A MANUAL OF MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE: సా :) கய-_, the end fastened to one of the bam-. boo beams. She raised an alarm, the other prostitute and a man who had a shop downstairs came, they opened the noose, the youth fell on the floor and began to struggle and shout. The police were sent for and carried the youth down the stairs, put him into a gharry and took him to the Mayo Hospital. He was struggling and shouting the whole time, but did not speak. From the evidence it would appear that he was conscious, though unable to speak ; one witness said, she could see he understood what was said and done, and that he resisted being taken downstairs and put into the gharry. At the Hospital he was violent, throwing himself about and shouting, but did not speak. His stomach was washed out. According to the statements of the witnesses, the suspension took place between 2-15 and 2-3o A. M. ; he was admitted to Hospital at 345 A. M. and died at 7-I5 A.M. The post-mortem examination was held on the 1st February, 24 hours after death. Rigor mortis present, there was a bunch of fine lathery froth about the nostrils ; this was not present when I viewed the body the previous evening. There were several small bruises and abrasions on both sides of the neck, the largest about half an inch in diameter. Small bruises and abrasions were also present on the arms and back of the left hand. There was no sign of a noose mark on the neck. From the position and character of the injuries, it seems probable that - they were caused in bringing deceased downstairs, in the gharry and at the Hospital, in endeavouring to hold him. The condition of the lungs was most interesting," and unusual ; all over both, there were numerous subpleural haemorrhages, some petechial, others splashes of considerable size. * In both apices and anterior surfaces, there were patches of miliary emphy. sema, the lungs were very congested and filled with watery fluid, the trachea and bronchi were full of froth. The front of the heart was sprinkled with small haemorrhages, which were also present on the back of the left ventricle. Both sides of the heart were filled with dark fluid blood. The trachea was congested, there were petechiae on the back of the epiglottis. The tongue was normal, The internal organs were congested. The viscera were sent for analysis, na poison was found. o * - Having heard the evidence of the principal witnesses, the two women and the shopkeeper, and of the House Surgeon, in reply to the Coroner I gave the opinion that deceased had died of asphyxia or suffocation, due to hanging. The case is one which, without the evidence of the eye-witnesses and of the House Surgeon, would, in all - probability, be considered one of asphyxia or suffocation due to throttling, or to smothering with a cloth held over the face ; the injuries, bruises and abrasions on the face, neck and other parts of the body * Q