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পাতা:ভিষক্‌-দর্পণ (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড).pdf/২১১

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

(I, 3న e 8 1 A MANUAL of Medical jurisprudence. , . . ههد upper portion of the small intestine. The odour of hydrocyanic acid was very strong in the stomach and intestine. The tongue was slightly corroded ; the oesophagus was congested. There was chalky substance on the tongue, in the pharynx, and in the trachea and bronchi which were congested. I went to the shop with the Superintendent of Police, and saw the place where the deceased had been found hanging. Against the backwall of the store-room, there was a ladder, above it, the hook to which the rope had been fastened ; on either side, there were shelves. I directed the police to search for a bottle or vessel. Candles were brought, and on a shelf, close to the ladder, a brass lofah was discovered. It contained a little greenish fluid, the outside was smeared with chalky material. There was no odour of hydrocyanic acid from the lotah. In the shop, there were bottles of cyanide of potassium, besides other poisons. From the large quantity of cyanide taken, it is evident that the deceased must have made all prepara. tions for hanging himself, and when standing on the ladder, with the noose round his neck, drank the poison, and had time to put the lotah on the shelf.” Once a case of Arsenic poisoning was tried before the High Court, and in course of the trial an able and , distinguished barrister cross-examined the chemical examiner and the Police Surgeon of Calcutta at some length. The author has reproduced a full report of the questions put to these, two witnesses and the answers given by them. This portion of the book ought to be carefully read by the medical practitioners and the members of the legal profession, as they will find the report to be specially interesting. Chapters XXIII to XXVII deal with insanity ; and this portion seems to have been most ably written. Such simple, at the same time such careful delineation of this subject will not be * found in any other book. In the Appendix, the circular No. 55 (Medical Evidence) and a series of “ questions connected with it, the Police Code No. 198, and several useful official .. forms have been included. In conclusion we have no hesitation in saying that this is the best text-book on the subject for Indian students. Every Medical student, every medical man, every lawyer should have a copy of it.