পাতা:মহাত্মা রাজা রামমোহন রায় - নগেন্দ্রনাথ চট্টোপাধ্যায়.pdf/৭৮০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পরিশিষ্ট । ዓ8› Social and Domestic. Libve of approbation, very large 2Ο Adhisiveness...large 8 Acquisitiveness...full 14 Secretiveness...large I8 limitation...rather large I6 Energy and Will, Combativeness...large 18 Firmness...very large 2O Cautiousness...large 19 The department of the brain most largely developed is the Posterior Superior Region occupied by Firmness, Conscientiousness, Self-esteem, and Love of Approbation,-the size of these four organs is very extraordinary. Firmness and fortitude were prominently displayed throughout his whole life, A. 부 를 " His strong conscientiousness, self-esteem and love of approbation fitted him to embark on the work of Reform and account for that powerful sentiment of individual dignity, evinced in his conversation, actions and deportment &c. His large adhisiveness accords with his affectionate disposition. His English friends bear testimony to the power the Raja had shown of inspiring warm personal affection. It is no small testimony to his character that even a slight acquaintance with him was enough to stir stolid and phlegmatic Englishmen to something very nearly a passion of love for him. There must have been much love in the man to evoke such devotion, + ++ 普 Acquisitiveness is much inferior to benevolence and conscientiousness. The Raja was liberal, disinterested and careless of pecuniary sacrifices. Without a tolerable endowment of conbativeness as well as of self-esteem and firmness, he could not have acted with the bold ness and decision for which he was remarkable.