পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/৯৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

হিন্দু কলেজ-শিক্ষাবস্থা । VS peare'. Had you been my pupil, Gour, -depend upon it-I would whip you to death or do something worse. "The article "The" (A, too) is never used before a proper noun'- &c. &c. Again, "The Moore's Poem' lil &c. &c Be careful for the future. "You like my letters'- eh ?—I’m fattered—very much fattered—and grati. fied-I have done with Tom's 'Life of Byron.”-The chapter, wherein the death of my noble favourite is detailed, drew forth tears from me rather in an abundant degrec. But who the d — can read that part of Tom (excellent fellow ) without shedding tears p send you the book and it is my particular desire, - ( mind you must obey me, as I do you ) that you should read this book thro' at the eafense of anything at might cost you. It belongs to M. Here is a letter for him ; give it him when you see him at College By the byehow are you getting on, ye collegians H. C. is an earthly 'Pandemonium' with his d-d Satanic majesty K-r at the head of its ville occupatts; (you and a few others excepted, of course) But to depart from this. are you coming to the M. I, * this evening ? An 'ay or nay' is all that I require for an answer. We will meet there. Pray answer the last question about going to M. I and Believe. as usual ) You is evcr M. S. OUTT P. S.-Send me Tom's "Byron's life.' I can assttre - a rrn-d--- r-ru. Hiris d ത്ത്യത്തു S S BDBDDBBD DDBS BD DDD DDDB BDBB BDBD BBDBEBB DDS শিক্ষার জন্য সেখানে যাইতেন ।