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পাতা:রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্মচরিত.pdf/১৭৯

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

कन्डीयन । S8S s"s. 7"hes n * = 曝曾 r r u Ar به *** - ۹° به معنی "" = "-ی assent of all Theists, though here and there on minor points there would be a slight difference of opinion. * * * * Now my dear friend, will you at once send me your photograph I want to place you in my gallery along with Theodore Parker, Professor Newman and Miss Cobbe. But you are a truer theist than any of them except Newman." (< * Voysey Ticeনহেন বিলাতের অনেক ধৰ্ম্মপত্রিকা উহার প্রশংসা করিয়াছেন। ‘The Truth Seeker' (Car-"One of the best expositions of Theism we have yet seen; full of clear thought and fine feeling. We are promised 'Theistic Selections from the Bible' and hope to see it as an instalment of a much needed work.' 'The Inquirer' (air-"We welcome this little gift from a cultured and spiritually minded Hindu. Theist and would assure the author that we have read it with uncualified approval. : : The essay before us presents. Theism in its purest and highest form, stripped of the legends and superstitions which degrade and deform more or less all the great historical religions of the world. * * * * * Our Own Christianity embraces the noblest sentiments contained in the essay. With its spirituality, its catholicity, its high and pure morality, its universalism, we are in full sympathy." After quoting a passage from the book the reviewer remarks. “These are true and noble sentiments. Would that the mass of mankind were ready to appreciate and receive them.' (2fe, Miss Sophia Dobson Collett exts use 233. 1s ( wwr Cris Brahmo Year Booka fiftco