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পাতা:রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্মচরিত.pdf/১৮৩

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

mine. It is, indeed, a most valuable manual of devotion to Theists. It has a mission to fulfil. May God speed that mission. The fact of the prayers in the book having been contributed by fifteen individuals of different countries and races and trained up in the midst of different religions speaks to the identity of Theism and is an earnest of its future universal diffusion and perma ՈՅՈCՇo The preface to your book is an invaluable one. Seldom have I seen such noble thoughts expressed in such luminous and felicitous language, evincing the finest intuitions and the most delicate perceptions of the true, the good, and the beautiful. I nerfectly agree with what you say about prayer being a natural act of the human mind. As the lotus, to use a Hindu simile, opens its closed petals to the rising beams of its beloved sun, so the human heart opens itself to God by prayer. As the lark rises higher and higher in the sky towards the Sun, raining a flood of melody below, so the soul of man rises higher and higher to God by means of prayer, delighting with its utterance men below. It is as natural to man to pray as for a lotus to open its petals to the rising sun and for the lark to rise in the sky and sing as it rises. Your remarks on prayer for spiritual blessings delight me much. The invariable fulfilment of such prayer comes from an invariable spiritual law. Unless we want God, we cannot obtain Him; unless y O