পাতা:রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্মচরিত.pdf/১৯৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

do রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্ম-চরিত। চিঠিপত্র লেখালিখি হয়। উল্লিখিত চাৰিটা চতুৰ্দশপদী কবিতার প্রতিলিপি নিয়ে দেওয়া গেল :- () Go, son belov'd as pilgrim bold to lands Beyond the stormy ocean's wide domain, Where Commerce, Art and Science freely rain On freemen blessings rare with lib'ral hands. Thou art not tied by false religion's bonds, Her chains are not round thee; thou'rt nobly free: Thou art not one who fears to cross the sea, And on the beach by her spell-bound stands. Thy freedom I esteem though thy excess I check oft. Go, but still as ours remain. Be not like apes who change their manners, dress And language, of their trip becoming vain. They England for their home do shameless call, And reckon mother-land and tongue as gall. (R) Go, son belov'd as pilgrim bold to lands, Where nature's servant and interpreter, Man, wields over elements a God-like pow'r As slavish tools in his controlling hands. Go, vent'rous youth where Goddess Science' bands Most wondrous feats perform on land and sea; There monuments of art thou rapt will see, A marvel in itself each tow'ring stands. Go there, and feast your eyes on men as things; Great Herschel, Mill and Tennyson divine;