পাতা:রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্মচরিত.pdf/২০৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কৰ্ম্মজীবন । । SVS)

    • NA == حمه من جهة میه"n=" a. less 'a' al '' AAAAALSLSAAkASLLLAMqSSAAASeLeAMLeESAA ALASSAALLAM qAASLLLSMSA *یه**" =

thing that takes least trouble, and is most convenient to us, gave me the poem now some weeks past, and it was with surprise and pleasure that I learnt my name was known by one so far away, and a stranger to me, and that it was mentioned in such a manner. I have received many advantages and very great pleasure from the visit here of your friend Babu Keshub-his name I will not anglicize, he is only a bird of passage amongst us--and one of the greatest of those advantages has been, the strong proof he has given us, that men of all nations are of one spirit, however different they may be in some ways; and that they are able in many things to sympathise with, and understand each other, to an extent in which I hardly believed before. Your poem in which I am called your "sister" makes me also realise the same truth. It seems a very glorious thing that separated by so many thousands of miles, people may yet feel a true bond of union between them. It does, indeed, help me to realise that all men are God's children. Two lines of Tennyson's will, I think, express my feeling as well as anything, “For so the whole round earth's every way, Bound by gold chains, at the feet of God.' t 郡 。腾 . He (Keshub) has indeed helped many others here, by helping us from his own ardent religious spirit, and fervent faith, to put warmth, and fervour and reality, into our perhaps less vivid faith. Enthusiasm is a