বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্মচরিত.pdf/২১১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

कख्ौिवन । । SS srovno-.*W***...*"*""·"...“. "Vo“** r aS AAEaMAqAAHkASLS AAEaALLLeASASESAALSLELASASLES AESLSLLALALeSASALL SAeAeLeMALALSLSAT our language. You say you wish I could read Bengali, the best works on Brahmoism being in that language; indeed I should like to read them. I have been lately trying to learn Bengali from my interest in your country. Babu Prasanna Kumar Ray has been helping me in this study. I feel that it would take me a very long time to become at all accustomed to the language, but I have with the help of a good Dictionary (Sir C. Houghton's) been able to translate Some of the sentences from Keshub Babu's little compilation of Theistic texts, those from the Hindu Scriptures being only in Sanskrit and Bengali, were until now sealed to me. Some of them delighted me much, I show them also to my friends. I know they should properly be rendered into English from the Sanskrit rather than Bengali, still I am glad to reach through the Bengali. Could you tell me if I could procure any other Bengali work of spiritual passages selected from the Hindu Shastras? I see you mention one in your “Defence of Brahmoism' (that pamphlet specially pleased and interested me). Is that compilation called 'Brahma Dharma' out of print? If you have other English pamphlets like those you sent me I should be much interested to see them. I wish I had some true theistic work to return to you, but none now occurs to me. If there is any English book you wish to see I could procure and send to you, I should be most pleased to send it you, if you will tell me of it; it may sometimes be difficult to procure European