বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:রাজনারায়ণ বসুর আত্মচরিত.pdf/২১৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

LqLMLMALeSALLM LALAMLMeLeASALMeMAALASAMSALALeAAeSAAeAAMAMAAMAMMMMMSMSMSMS her home. I have hitherto had an unusual amount of leisure-time, living in a quiet home, wellordered by my good mother, and sharing with my sisters the small domestic duties. In my new home I shall be more than usually occupied. Mr. Henry Cobb, to whom I am now to be married in a few weeks, is a London lawyer. He has been married before, and has four little children, to whom I am to supply the place of the mother they have lost so early. I am very happy in the thought of my new and life-long duties. It is, of course, impossible to leave any old course of life and enter a new one without some regrets, but I believe I am doing what is right, and as God would have me do. I cannot but regret that I shall be much cut off from my Indian friends, I shall have little leisure for writing or anything, but I shall always think with pleasure of the kindness you have shown to me, and shall value your letters, and the many interesting quotations from the oriental mines of treasure, I so much admire you have sent me. I am sorry I cannot answer your letters fully and properly. Will you tell your wife with my love I received and was much pleased to read her printed poem ? One of my Indian friends, Babu Srinath Dutt translated it for me. I also was much pleased to receive her letter. If you still like to make us of use for your publications in London, I will do what I can, if I am very busy, one of my sisters will ku خیع - استیسیسیست -حتی است. البت» سپس som morsom - help me. Will you thank your son very much with Rou