বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:শ্রীরাজমালা (দ্বিতীয় লহর) - কালীপ্রসন্ন সেন বিদ্যাভূষণ.pdf/৩৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

}lo সতীশ বাবুর এই উক্তি আমরা সর্পপতে ভাবে সমর্থন করি । ত্রিপুরেশ্বরের পূর্বপুরুষগণের সুন্দরবন অঞ্চলে যখন আধিপত্য ছিল, তখন সেই প্রদেশে “ত্রিপুরা” নামক বন্দর স্থাপিত হওয়া একান্ত স্বাভাবিক। পক্ষান্তরে, এই নামের দ্বারা সুন্দরবনে ত্রিপুরার প্রাধান্য স্থাপনের অকাট্য প্রমাণ পাওয়া যাইতেছে । ১৯২৭ খৃঃ ১০ই এপ্রিল তারিখের Forward’ পত্রিকায় হুগলীর প্রাচীন বিবরণ আলোচনা উপলক্ষে যে আখ্যায়িকার অবতারণা করা হইয়াছে, তাহা এস্থলে উল্লেখযোগ্য। “The high and broad embankment with shady trees on either side from Tribeni to Mahanad used now for cart traffic known as Jamai Jangal is another place of considerable interest. It is said to have been constructed by the Raja of Mahanad for the convenience of his son-in-law, the son of Tripura Raja of Tribeni. Another legendary tale is attached to this embankment. It is said that the Raja got annoyed with his son-in-law and one day in a sudden gust of anger went so far as to behead him. However the councillors intervened and it was settled that the son-in-law would be allowed to go to Tribeni on horse-back and after a few minutes would be followed by the Raja with his swords unsheathed and is he succeeded in overtaking the Prince, he would instantly be killed, the young Princess would not allow her husband to go alone. She also inounted on the same horse with him. The horse started. It was a bid for life. It proceeded at full gallop for about 3 miles when it sainted and sell on the ground. The distant sound of the hoofs of lèaja's hor-e became mol c and merc distinct. He would ovel take thern in no time. Not a moment could be lost. It was a question of life and death. They ran fast for their lives, but the l’rincess unaccustomed to run became exhausted. "I lic husband could not descrt her at this crisis. In their distress they implored the Almighty I’ather to save them. Their earnest solicitations to I [cavcn did not go in vain. White foams of water were seen at a distance, on and on it approached and lo and behold It rushcd forth in tremendous violence and broke the embankment at their back. The I)amodar was in floods. It had risen high and floodcq the countryside. The Raja had to go inack disappointed. By the mercy of Fleaven, the princely couple was saved. The portion of the embankment swept away by the floods is still visible. It lies in village Akna and is known since then as “Chinna” or broken Alina as referred to in the Government Catalogue just mentioned.” Paper on the researches into the antiquities of Hoogly District by Manindra Deb Rai read before the II oogły District Historical Association reported in “Forward” April 10, 1927. ইহার স্থূল মৰ্ম্ম এই –ত্রিবেণীর ৫ ত্রিপুর রাজপুত্র হুগলীর মহানদের রাজকন্যার পাণিগ্রহণ করেন । জমাতার যাতায়াতের নিমিত্ত রাজ এক রাস্ত। S BB SBBBBS SBB BB BBBB BB DDDD DDDD D SDDDS S B BD S