বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:সাহিত্য-সাধক-চরিতমালা প্রথম খণ্ড.pdf/৭৩৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

حيجة রামমোহন রায় of inducing that gentleman to discontinue his abusive language, but that he the servant had not expressed your petitionet's salama ax he iuad bad no communication with your petitieraer on the subject ; Sir Frederick Hamilton ther desired your petitioner to dischargo tho servant from his service and went away. In the course of that conversation, calculated by concession and apology to pacify the temper of Sir Frederick Hamilton, that gentleman still did not abstain from harsh and indecorous language. The intelligence of your petitioner's having been thus disgraced has been spread over the town, and your Lordship's humane and enlightened mind will easily conceive, what must be the sensations of any native gentierman under a public indiguity and disgrace, which as being inflicted by an English gentleton, and that gantleman an otheer of Covernment, he is procluded from resenting, however strong the conviction of his own mina that such í i-traat truert; has been unmisrit cd, wanton and capi icious. If natives, iherefore, of easte and rank were to be subjected to treatment, which must infallihly dishonotir and degrade them, not only within the pale of their own religion and society, but shso within the circle of the Fonglish sncieties of bigh respoctability into which they have the honour of being most liberally and affably aduaitted, they would be virtually condarmned to close confinement within their house from the dread of being assaulted in the streets with every species of ignominy and degradation. Your petitioner is aware that the spirit of the British laws would not tolerate an act of arbitrary aggression, even agaiust the lowest; class of individuals, but much less would it continue an unjust degradation of persons of respectability, whether that respectability be derived from the society in which they move or from birth, fortune, or education ; that your petitiouor has som' pretensions to urge on this point, the following circumstances will show : Your petitioner's grandfather was at various times, chief of different districts during the administration of His Highness the Nawab Mohabut Jung, and your petitioner's father for several years, rented a farm from Government the revenue of which W&#