বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:সিংহল-বিজয় কাব্য.pdf/১২৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

THEOPINION OF THE PRESS. আর্য্যজাতির শিম্পচাতুরি সম্বন্ধে সংবাদ-পত্রের মত। National Paper—11th Feb. 1874. A new book of the kind long in want—Treats of Ancient and Modaval Architecture, sculpture and painting of the Aryans the last two quite original) and also of a short but interesting account of the origin of art. Much thought and judgment have been bestowed in compiling the subject of Architecture and that of the origin of Art and also in refuting many erroneous ideas hitherto current. * * * Hindoo Patriot 16th Feb. 1874. This book is the first of its kind, the author has had peculiar opportunities of studying Art, and he has made a good use of them. In the present state of decadence of the Fine Arts in India, good Art criticism can hardly be looked for. % 光 光 Indian Mirror 17th March 1874. The work is in Bengali, the author deserves great credit for his research and ability. Art is so entirely forgotten by onr educationists in this country that the least attempt to revive its taste is welcome. Babu Srimani's work is also valuable on this score, and we hope it will have a large sale. The Bengalee—May 2nd, 1874. Our best thanks are due to Babua Syama Charan for inviting the attention of onr countrymen to the subject of Ancient and Medaeval Hindu Art. The book may be had for one Rupee and two Annas only which will be more than repaid by the perusal of it. í