পাতা:সৌন্দর্য্য তত্ত্ব - অভয় কুমার গুহ.pdf/২৩৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

২১২ cनोग्लो-डच । ব্ৰহ্ম অনন্ত বলিয়া সকলেই স্বীকার করিয়া থাকেনা ঋষিগণ র্তােহাঁকে “প্ৰত্যং" জ্ঞানমনস্তানী বলিয়া অভিহিত করিয়াছেন।” সেই সন্ধকারণ " cendent, vastness or greatness, as of power, heroism, extent in space or time." Prof. Baldwin's Dictionary of Philosophy and APsyéhology. 3. "According to Burke it is caused by 'aride of terror or pain,' and is contrasted with the beautifl-not a part of it." 4. “Anything which elevates the mind is sublime, and elevation of mind is produced by the cotemplation of greatness of any kind; but chiefly, of course, by the greatness of the noblest things, Sublimity is, therefore, only another word for the effect of greatness upon the feelings.' Wide Rushan's Modern Painters. 5. "Bradley defines the sublime as a species of the beautiful : A large part of its effect is due to the general nature of Beauty. Its differentia is greatness : 'exceeding or overwhelming greatness." Vide Mr. Bradley’s Oeford Lectures on Poetry, zgogo. 6. “What is sublime is the expression of desire or power to triumph in one's own destruction.” Aegel. 7. “Theodor Vischer defines the sublime to be the sundering of the aesthetic idea and its sensuous image from the state of unity constituting the beautiful, the idea reaching as the infinite over against the finite of the image.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th edition. 8. "Sublimity and tenderness are only the vanishing-points of the line of beauty.” Schleiermacer. 9. "Sublimity is not something opposed to beauty but the working out of the opposition between beauty and its infinite nega tion." Vesse. to “অতএব দেখ, এই ঘাই প্রকার ভাব, সম্পূর্ণরূপে বিভিন্ন ; একটি বিশেষ SYBLu iD EEE BDuBDB BDBSB DDDLDD LSLiDDD DDD