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পাতা:সৌন্দর্য্য তত্ত্ব - অভয় কুমার গুহ.pdf/২৭৭

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and a reaction against all attemptsło improye uéon it'- William Haslit in Knight's Philosophy of the Beautiful, "Of this sort are all true works of art. Ig this if we know a work of Art from a Daub of Artifice ) we discern Eternity looking through time, the godlike rendered visible.” Carlyle in Sartor Resartus. “Ruskin is not a moralist looking down of Art, or an art-critic keeping aloof from moral problems. He combines the two functions as they have never been combined before. Art is to him, at its root, not only moral but divine "- morals are at their root, not only good and true, but beautiful.' Auskin in Anight's Philosophy of the Beautiful. "Art is one of the natural forms which are assumed by joy; what we call the arts are really different ways of being happy.' APyof.V. F. Seeley, "The highest beauty is attained by the highest application of the realistic or imitative faculty. But, what is it to be true to Nature ? Realism gives the highest form of beauty only if we search through Nature for the most beautiful forms and the loftiestocharacteristics as Raphael and Michael Angelo did. The Greek artists of the Parthenon have the supreme right to the title of idealists. Michael Angelo, on the other hand, was the greatest realist the world has ever seen.” Vide Edward J. Pygter's Zem Zectures on 47t. “The creation of Beauty is Art.' "A work of art is an abstract or epitome of the world, an expression of nature. in miniature.” Vide Mr. Emerson’s essay on Wature,