পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৪৬

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לףי wifassto, a. strong, powerful, mighty, en“so, s, the same with of . [ergetic. *ICEFrog, s. a sharp or hard reply. [lity. *tzRJ, a. possible, practicable; -S1, possibi*to, s. name of Indra; -os, the rainbow. *1877, s. a vulture; an oath. [suspect. *tą, v. n. to be afraid, to be in awe, to *Toto, a. worthy of fear or suspicion. *ios, a. auspicious: s. a name of Shiva; -N1B, the scate fish. [mandel eagle.” *rggf5ā, s. the Bráhmani kite, the Coro*|*ggû1, s. a plant (Hedysarum pictum). *tol, s, fear, dread, danger, peril, terror, awe, a panic, a suspicion. [suspecting. *Izotos, a fearing, causing fear or awe, *I*T*ā, a distressed with fear or dread. *I*T*FCs, ad. by or through fear. “forgiazo, a, causing fear or awe, terrifying, alarming, causing suspicion. [ous. *Totso, fearful, filled with awe, suspiciশঙ্কাভূমি, s, a ground or object of fear. *I*T*E*, a. indicating fear or danger. *I*T*W, s. an object of fear or suspicion. *ffo, a. afraid, involved in doubt, hesi tated, doubted, suspected. *i*: s. a gnomon, a staff used to measure heights by the shadow, a scate fish, a pin, a stake, a pole, a javelin, a fibre. *igs, s. conch shell; temporal and frontal bone; a military drum; a shell-bracelet. *Isso, a. a hundred billions. *rgț¢Izr, s. a shell-worker. [geon’s egg. *Rossi, s. a large pearl shaped like a pi*istoff, s, the sound of a conch. *ISIRT3, s, a giant killed by Krishna. **Ifog, s. the temporal and frontal bone. *Ifgät, s. a highly irascible woman, a vixen, a virago, an apparition, a fairy. *ist, s. the wife of Indra; -oise, Indra. *rēto, s. a porcupine, hedgehog. [radish. *Ifgal, s. a tree”, its root is used as horse*iùa aûzy, s. an intrigue, an artifice. *sūl, s, the matted hair of an ascetic. *ifữs, a. stale, mouldy, musty. *iù), s. wild turmerie;* also, vide *fì. *ið, a. artful, crafty, knavish, over-reach ing, deceitful, swindling, wicked. L 334 | শপ

  • tel, craftiness, artifice, knavery, deceit. wiłostos, s. deceitful or knavish conduct. *fit, s. mango-scented ginger.” *IV, s. collusion; a. the same as *sūl. *Tool, a tall, slender: s. a canoe. *sūl, a. small, little, minute, slender, thin. *TTETS, im. sd. expressive of a quick motion. *IfF styl, a. thin, slender, tall, long. *Toofy, s. a kind of sauce or gravy. *tol, s, hemp plant,” hemp; -873, tow. *isija, “tsjef, s. twine, thin hemp cord. *is, s. a eunuch; a clown; a bull at liber*i*851, s. emasculation, castration. [ty. *I‘81, s. a clown, a bumpkin, a boor. *to, a, a hundred; -8a, hundred-fold; -o-, the hundredth; -41, -ossos, -fix, a hundred kinds; -offs, hundred times. *R5z5, s, a hundred, a collection of a hun“TEF, s, a name of Indra. [dred. *so, s. a destructive engine, a cannon. *Reviforzo, a following many doctrines. *izosit, s. a centipede, ajulus. [zodiac. *Refeat, s. 25th mansion of the Hindu *Roloff, a hundred-faced: s. a broom.

- শতমূলী, 8. Indian climbing asparagus.”

  • Roso, s, a carpet, a chess board or cloth; the game of chess; -cool, the play at chess; - of Si, a chess-player. “Rosso, s. a carpet, a floor-cloth. *Rolfo, s. an old man; a pupil of Vyāsa. *REFN, s a century, 100 years. [ponent. *sū, s. an enemy, a foe, adversary, an op*sū353, s. the decay of enemy. [captive. *Io, a. surrounded by enemies, taken *{{{, a killing the enemy: 8. the name

of one of the brothers of Ráma. *[[31, -o, s. enmity, hostility. [mity. *tą st5sts, s. a course of hostility or en*tESt^jÁB, ad by or through enmity. *THETİzÍS, a. ill-designed, malevolent. *ts", s. the planet Saturn; young fruits. শনিবার, শনিচর, s. Saturday. *ifa, s. a cypher, a dot, a point, an odd. *itat, ad, slowly, gently, softly. *song-soo, ad slowly, deliberately. *starbos, s, the planet Saturn.[take oath. *tolof, s, oath, imprecation; o, to swear,