পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৯২

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কুলা zgzotivi, -za, s ugliness, deformity. কুরূপী, a, ill-formed, uncouth, ugly. #5, s. sweepings, filth, dirt, rubbish. so, s, the barking of a little dog. FFHÄfs, s. a scratching, a tickling, lust. *::fish, s. a bow, obeisance. soof, s, a coat, a jacket. [to gambol. কুদ, o, a to play, to skip, to leap, to frisk, *zig, s. the elbow, knee: a subject to. কুল, D. a. to abound, to be sufficient. Foi, s. lineage, a race, a family, a tribe, pedigree, extraction, a flock or herd; a fan for winnowing corn;" the jujube. কুলকণ্টক, s. one who is a plague to his family, (lit.) a thorn of the family. zoo, s, one who is a disgrace to the family, a family stain or dishonour. ob, s, the gargling of the mouth. কুলক্রিয়, কুল zoo, s, the duties of a family. কুলক্ষণ, s. an evil or inauspicious mark. কুলক্ষণাক্রান্ত, ৫, marked by inauspicious. **3, s, the decay of a family.[marks. কুলগরিমা, কলগৌরব, s. family pride. Ezizi, s. an inauspicious ascension of one of the signs of the zodiac. *TER, a fallen from family privileges. কুলজ, কুলজাত, ৫, born of a good family. #Tsit, s. a genealogy, a family register. কুল 51, s. a whore, prostitute, a courtezan. কুলটাপতি, s, whore's husband, a cuckold. Fowzi, s, family pride or importance. of, s, family duty, duties of a family. £on, s, a being sufficient: a sufficient. zgāzē,f.reputable,ofrespectablefamily. gos, s. a virtuous wife, a good wife. Kososol, s. virtue or chastity in a wife. zgā ēst, s. a fall from family honour. so, a, expelled from family honour. কুলমর্যাদা, s. family respectability. কুলমান, or কু# *āā, s. family honour. zoosit, s. articles tied in a sheaf of straw for the convenience of carriage. কুলস্ত্রী, s, a virtuous woman, a house wife. soil, v. to possess, abound, to be sufficient: a fan to winnow corn. [family, zooloss, s: one who is a disgrace to his ofsts, s. a family usage or custom. [ 80 J বদুস্তা কুলাচার্য্য, s. a family registrar, a family priest who selects marriage matches. *fa, s. a being sufficient: a sufficient. *fits, a supervisng, superintending. of, s, a nest, a place of residence. **TA, s. a potter; -535, a potter's wheel. sofo, s. Telianga, a potter, a labourer. Afāb, s, a kind of sweetmeat or biscuit. zosososol, s, a thorny shrub.”:Giri, s. the thunderbolt of Indra. son, a. of noble descent: s. a nobleman. Estasi,-sā, nobility, grandeur. [crab. কুলীর,s. a crab; -শৃঙ্গী, the antennae of a. zgāzi, s. a lock, a padlock; -zoifs, a key. কুলোদ্ভব, s. the origin of a family. #35, s, the gargling of the mouth. Kooi, oil, s. a gargling or rinsing. Folos, s. smashed dry jujube pickle. 3.31), s. a wicker fan to winnow corn; a o, ad, only, wholly, in all. [bone. zo, s. a nodule, gravel, gravel-stones. K##I, 8. the gargling of the mouth. **, w a to hew timber, to hack. **, s, one of the seven continents of the EIindus; a son of Rama; sacredgrassa Foots, s. the hewing of timber, a hacking. **f, s, welfare, peace, happiness, talent, ability, virtue: a, eminent in, clever. *Iait, a. prosperous, happy, lucky. **tol, a extensive, wide, spacious. *Tâa, s. mat of kusha grass, a hassock. কুশী, s: a plough-share; a pod of cotton; a spoon-like vessel used for libations. কুশীল, a. evil-disposed, wicked, spiteful. কুশীলতা, s. wickedness, evil bias of mind. Erfā, s. a cup-board, a barn, a granary. zoát, s, the kernel of a mango-stone. zoáta, oftw. s. usury; -issot, an usurer. কুষ্ঠ, or কৃষ্ঠরোগ, 8, the leprosy. - so, a good to cure the leprosy. zo a. leprous, full of leprosy. zocatist, or ot, a leprous: s. a leper. zosts, s. the same as ol. [sumption. বসুষমাণ্ডখণ্ড, S. medicine for the cure of con<jsI, flower; safflower; the menses. বসুন্ড, 5, the safflower plant.” خه zofofg, s. mutual wrestling or scuffling.