পাতা:Reminiscences Speeches And Writings Of Sir Gooroo Dass Banerjee Reminiscences pt. 1.pdf/২০৬

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

EvENTS OF HIS LIFE. 189 I called on you last Monday, you thought you were not likely to be very much in the favour of the Government. But the announcement in the Gazette shows that your valiant championship of the peoplc's cause has been rightly appreciated. I hope your misgivings are not well founded and your wisdom and experience will be frequently utilised by the Government to its own advantage and that of the community. I remain Yours faithfully P. S. Sivaswami Aiyer. Nagpur 25th June 1904. My dear Sir Please accept my very sincere congratulations on the honor you have received at the hands of Government in the Birthday Honors' List. It is a deserved compliment to your many admirable qualities, as also to your devoted labours in the cause of Justice and Education. The whole of India claims you as one of its brightest citizens and I need not say that this gracious recognition of your merit will gladden the hearts of every true Indian, I need not say how glad we who know you are, and as one who has received much kindness at your hands, I beg to send this message of congratulation and good will for the honor you have now received. With many kind regards Yours very truly G. M. Chitinavis.