পাতা:বিশ্ব-রহস্য - প্রথম খণ্ড.pdf/১২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

— Englishman, 8th September, 1877.

f iheirattention to a tree, saii to have been lately di^Vered In the forestanear th.e town. of HfRfti Moyobamba/in Peru, cabled ,liy the Indians “Tamia-Caspi” or “Raintree” -Which possesses . remarkable properties.—This . wonderful vegetable produc- tion, we are told, absorbs the moisture of the atmosphere^ which it concentrates, and subsequently pours forth from its leaves and branches in a perfect shower, and in such quantity that in many cases, the surrounding soil is^con- verted into a bog. We are further informed that it possesses this singular power to a greater degree during the hot, dry weather, when the rivers are at their lowest, and the water most scarce. It has been suggested to the Peruvian govern- ment, by a gentleman who has examined these trees, that the experiment of their culture in the more arid parts of that country should be made'witb a view to the benefit of agriculturists." 9 " 'SRt# orf- Httro srcrrrW siTOir a WHHlTOirl & fC©Rf «2tf% tor aresff% TOR ftR?

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