পাতা:বেগম রোকেয়া রচনাবলী.pdf/৪৫১

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

The idea as educational disciplirt, , otended to the whole of life and the "*") pf Asrams , mose of student, house holder he" and wanderirių astete. ரீdeveloped. The student was first II 8¤U Iғагпіпg, Н* was ++... erter upon lhe 2nd stage that o grihasta or house holder T. after having brought up a family and done his duly in the world r: would griler upor the lile ol a yarıpırasına ar fures hermit ang اalمیت become a Sannyasi or wandering ascelo THE aris.iofit Brahman. education was therefore not only a preparalo" for the life bul lor F. lulu're existence as well. ¥¥iiš greaty ::IrHs:Աtl In this utilitarian age when religion is treated as obsolete and all engrossing objective Ordnarily are personal ambition and | advancement of material prosperity it becomes all the more neces. sary for us to retain our ancient ideals. We should try as in the pos. so teach true values and give the students a guidance for all duties and relations of life...the practical duties of life. At a later stågå c history in India (as in the Middle age in Europe) a tendency arose to sile. The current Philosophy taught the unreality of the world and that the highest wisdom was to...release from worldly sellers, Bul Islam has disapproved strongly of extreme other worldliness. The Holy quaran has declared agains the monastic life, for if all were to forsake the world the bonds of society would spori bè brukën. In gur daily prayers we Muslims beseech Allah saying. 'Our Lord grant Lo good in this world and good in the hereafter." Cur sin should be lo harmonise in due proportion the two Purpoš83, 5piritual and SBCLlar, in the education we impart. Much can be done in accomplishing this aim by impressing on the girls the excellance of Our ancion ideals and of the life of great national heroes. CrIÉ of the mask notable characteristics Gl Ir dårl Eduçãkiôflå ideals is the relation between pupil and teacher. The Indian system knew nothing of a large institution or a large class of pupils taughs together. There was usually one teacher for a few pupils from the beginning to the and of his period of studies. Thus individual atlastion was given. A family relationship sprang up between teache" and pupils which had a high moral effect. In the most, writes an Bducationist, it is the Institution rather than the teacher which emphasised and it is the school or college which a student regards as his Alma Maler'. In India it is the teacher rather than " Institution that is prominent and the same affection and revere” which a western student has for his Alma Mater is in " baslowed with a life long devotion upon the teacher.' It is not *. able of practicable in this democratic age when a general sprea" education should be our aim to abolish large Institution. But W*" - Hఛ్ _