পাতা:বেগম রোকেয়া রচনাবলী.pdf/৪৬৭

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

Iլ: յ1ւնk* Հl beginning іп ч діпівніу shorl that he тп?! alsoill to urodorlake. |...] we expected to find Plie of all Inc..., -Hபு. y tŵr Hl FıEr. “А”. - TTн", | г. 『 say that thғ гrsропse to cшт Нppeal Н asler about one year's essart we are still shiri nf the Зшт.п.і. for the purchase of the ***sary equipage by a sum Ihis riol enough to fill prie's soul wihi a de: . To bitterness? Р зепsr of sha пe and In this connection I TTiay bir rxused frar mitritin ırılrıE ihal ırırrier to add something to the Omnibus Fund I adveruses in your paper to ಇII sómt oef my books at a TrdLiçex! price [gr ITitwith ar *I HլIէ -ւլ-էլ is the public spirit and sense of appreciation of our cause by Hr members of our community that only Rs. 6 worth of books have been sold during the month of Ramzin' the cost price of the whole lot of Indiari Law Peports Is Rs. 102 and I am assering the books at Rs. 51 only which amount will also go to the same Fund, but even then I have not yet been able to sind a purchaser. These are the people, who can not support a IElլլկt lւն1:11 school but aspire to have a University. It is no wonder hal Government denied us the same because we do not deserve it yet. One may well ask what would be the good of having a University when such an important duty as the education of the females is meglected by the community in this sad manner Granted get a University, what will we do with it while your semakes rema .. the dark? You can not banish all lhe females from 蠶 ry can you bury your daughters alive like the Arabs of the Pio However, hoping still to get ". application for admission |F1 гутаг boarding house, I conclude This, 且,母。

  • I: Հե : :պl: pg. European AsylلگاT LIITIE ". Colleliffs. IÓ-፵ 13

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