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পাতা:Reminiscences Speeches And Writings Of Sir Gooroo Dass Banerjee Reminiscences pt. 1.pdf/১৮১

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

164 EVENTS OF HIS LIFE. needs-so far at least as British Indian interests are involved. The other “native' member hails from a backward Feudatory State where education has seriously lagged behind, though the Hyderabad gentleman was himself, if we are not mistaken, a Minister of Education at one time. We, therefore, repeat, that the Note of Dissent, written by Mr. Justice Banerjee, is entitled to greater attention than the Report of the Commission. Mr. Justice Bancrjeec has these many years past enjoyed the unbounded confidence of his countrymen. Government will, therefore, do well to pay due heed to his warnings. He is quite as willing, as indeed we all are, as the other members of the Commission, to raise the educational standard. Raise the standard by all means, but do it in a rational, and not in a revolutionary and reactionary spirit. Education should be the privilege of the many, and not the monopoly of the fortunate and wealthy few. To raise school and collogo fees at the arbitrary will and direction of Government is to shut out the masses and even middle classes from the bonefits of higher education, and even to shut them out from the prospects of bettering themselves in the struggle for existence. Higher fees do not spell better brains or sounder education. The Indian Mirror, 27th August 1902.