পাতা:Reminiscences Speeches And Writings Of Sir Gooroo Dass Banerjee Reminiscences pt. 1.pdf/১৮৪

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EVENTS OF FIS I.F.E. 167 Bancriec an opportunity of rendering his country the signal service that he had been permitted and enabled to do. The manner and method of the appointment were in themselves a high, if unintentional, compliment to the distinguished Judge, and Iord Curzon had clearly deserved well of the community by deliberately adding to the Commission one who, in spite of his unobtrusive mildness, was known to be of unbending and unflinching independence of character and opinion, and who was not likely to give in when his country's best interests were at stake. If the present report and IDissent, with all the connected circumstances could, by any chance, bc. laid before an unbiased jury of English educational cxperts, Mr. Justice Banerjee's l)issent would receive much more vigorous and outspoken support than could be expoctod here. For themselves they could only accord them such support as lay in their power to extend, and this he asked them to do in the terms of the Resolution with all the omphasis and the earnestness they could command. The Dissent was a masterly and powerful presentment and einunciation of the popular and therefore the right view of the problems at issue and its author had earned sincere and lasting gratitude. The Resolution he had to move was as follows:-"That this meeting desires to accord its emphatic support to the Dissent of the Hon’blo Mr. Justice Gooroodlass Banerjee so far as it goes as embodying the views of the Indian community and the meeting would call special attention to the following recommendations of the Commission as being open to the gravest