পাতা:Reminiscences Speeches And Writings Of Sir Gooroo Dass Banerjee Reminiscences pt. 1.pdf/১৯৪

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

EvenTS OF HIS LIFE. 177 and infirmitics of man and I must therefore gratefully acknowledge that the very kind words which you have been pleased to say about me at a time when my work in this court is over, must be a source of great satisfaction to me. But I should ill deserve your kindness if I were to appropriate to myself the many good things you have said as being wholly my due. I am fully sensible of the fact that a good portion of it is attributable to that indulgence with which generous minds view the merits and demerits of others at parting moments. I must also freely own that of what may apparently stand to my credit for any good work done, a very large share belongs to you for the help you have always rendered me in doing that work. I must not here forget what the Geeta in a somewhat different connection reminds us of when it says “Deluded by self-conceit we often consider ourselves the authors of work which is really done by the agencies of nature.” I say this not from any affectation of humility but from a conviction of its truth for though intolerance of inopportune contradiction or impatience of unncCessary delay may sometimes make us look with disfavour upon forensic arguments it is beyond question that the help which the Bar renders to the Bench is invaluable. I do not say that the mode in which that help is rendered may not in some cases be susceptible of improvement but taking things as they are it must be admitted that the value of the help you render to us can hardly be overestimated. You spend much of your time to save ours and if you take a one-sided view of