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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৪৫

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লৌহ cafét, a greedy, covetous, desirous. costs, s. hair of the body, hair of beasts, costs of, s, a pore of the skin. [wool. costs&sors, a. porous, cellular. লোমড়ী, s. a fox: also, খিখি, খেকশিয়ালী, Colors, a, hairy, shaggy, woolly. cost-sceoil, s. a row of hairs extending from the breast to the navel. catsios, catatosa, s. hairs standing erect through fear or surprise, horripilation. c&ifsif*, s. idem. colosso, a, having the hair standing erect through fear or surprise, horrific. লোমাঞ্চিতকলেবর, লোমাঞ্চিততনু, a. iden. gossitzrfă, g. the same with cost-Co. costas, a tremulous, hanging loosely, shaking, slackening; desirous, eager, cupidinous, fickle; -71, to let loose, to slacken. czīfāzē, a. pendant, swinging: s. a pendulum; a jewel for the nose of women. cofoil, s. a name of Lakshmi; desire, cu pidity, eagerness: a fickle. çFitfēTE, a. pendant, tremulous, hanging in collops or wrinkles, flabby. [sirous. Cossoi, a covetous, greedy, eagerly deলোষ্ট, লোষ্ট্র, s: a clod, a lump of earth. Căto, s. iron, metal in general; blood. CEHIzzēts, si H*$f5, s. magnet, loadstone. cost offs, s. a blacksmith, an iron founder. contrF-, contrigg, s. iron filings. [anvil. colozsösti, s. an iron image, a smith's Cossotz, a. iron, made of iron. [iron. coisol, s. iron; -8, the scoriae or rust of লোহাঘটিত, a. chalybeate. [smith's shop. catator, s. a blacksmith; -ossal, a blackcaitf€v, a. red, sanguine: s. blood. costfossa, a red-eyed, angry, wrathful, caffonsot, s. a red vein. [furious. coffo, a blushing, red-faced, angry. co, or contz, s. blood. [parting gift. cool, s. civility, urbanity, a present, a লৌকিক, a popular, current, vulgar, commonly practised; worldly, mundane. confso), a popularity, usage, civility. costfä, s. an appearance of blood. লৌহ, s. iron; preparation of iron. colo, a, iron, made of iron. I 833 1 শক্তি a, the twenty-ninth consonant. The matives of Bengal make no distinction between a wa and a ba- See a. A few Hindus words are here introduced. of, s, time, season. ৰাকিষ্ণ, a. acquainted with, knowing; -*Toi, having knowledge of an affair. Alfsia, or affarost, a right, just, proper, necessary: e.justice. [fem. ৰালী, ofoil, e. in comp.seller, owner, inhabitant; stfä”, s. an heir. atformat, e. pl. heirs. offo, a received, credited, arrived, met. Alfonzoff, s, the state of an account, balof 31, 8, a cause, sake, a reason. Lance. Afg, s. a writing reed, a reed pen. Asco, ad, on account of, for, because. zitzan, or atzaritzzi, interj. bravo! ad mirable wonderful! surprising!

  • s, is the thirtieth consonant in the Ben

gáli alphabet: a, a hundred. **rgo, e. pleasure, a wish, eager desire. *rg-sta, a fond of pleasure, eagerly desir ous: s. a person fond of pleasure. *to, ad happily, fortunately, auspiciously. *Ass, a happy, fortunate, auspicious. শক, s. a king who gives his name to an era, an era, epoch; a wish, a desire. *to, s. a cart, a waggon, hackery, chariot; the constellation Rohini or the fourth mansion of the Hindu zodiac. *tol, s, a cat, a waggon, hackery;-atol, a carter, a carman, a hackeryman. *f<g«g*w, s. the sweet-potato; vide *t*£*so, s. a shell, a part, share. [কন্দ. *Tosol, s. a year of any era, but chiefly confined to that of Shálivāhana. শকুন, শকুনী, s. a carrion-bird, a vulture. **F, a firm, strong, tight, tough, valid, hard, compact, fast, difficult, austere. *Tool, -o, s, the same with “soft. *r*rwg, a. dear, high-priced. Irigour. *I*T*, s. strength, toughness, hardness, *tfo, s. strength, power, ability, energy, validity, authority; a spear. [man. of Fog, a holding virile power: e. awo*ifo, ad. with power or energy.