বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১০০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

চত 5\}soto, loud language, an accent. 555%, a creaking sound; pain caused by excessive heat; vexation, heart-rending. 5 got, increase, advance in price. 5-13, a kind of pea, gram. 58, furious, violent, angry. 53}^3, the sun. 53ÍFI, low-caste man descended from a Soodra father by a Brahmani mother; scamp. 537, a name of Durga, a part of the Markundeya Pooran. 5%, a monkey, a rat. 535i, a species of lark. 5os, crafty, acute; four. 5 #FF, composed of four parts, an army composed of elephants chariots, cavalry and infantry. 5ỹ##, quadrangular, Square. b)T3, four-faced, Brahmá. চতুরালি , craftiness, dexterity. চতুর্থ , fourth. Bowitzsi, a litter, dulá. চতুৰ্দ্ধ, fourfold, of four sorts. চতুৰ্ব্বগ, the four objects of human pursuit, viz. love, riches, religion and beatitude. Božđ, the four castes of the Hindus, four chief colours. ofo, of four sorts. 5$ $ 5, four-armed, Vishnu. Books, courtyard. 92 চবি Soft, a musquito-curtain. 53Cross, quadrangular. 5:53, four. চতুষপাঠী, a college where the four Vedas and other sciences are taught, an academy. BERPITF, four-footed, quadruped. 5.33, courtyard; place for sacrifice. 5-1, a kind of pea, gram. 5577, sandal-wood. 5*WW1, a kind of parrot. 5*Wl, a subscription, collection. 55, 55 ST1, the moon. 5 ozoil, a digit of the moon. 5.offs, a jasper-stone, sandal556t, a peacock. [wood. 55753 ol, an eclipse of the moon. ESTEF, crescent-crested, Shiva. Boo, coronation oath ; an ex piatory rite. চন্দ্রভূতি, silver. 5577°35, camphor. [for the waist. 55ETs, kind of ornamental chain 55ȚIEoi, an awning, canopy. 5ETETFs, a mock moon, paraselene. Bfool, moonlight, moon's rays. BCETWEI, the rising of the moon. 5*sū, the open palm ; jeopardy. 5°. Tri, a breastplate, badge. Eosi, fickle, tremulous. [quette. Gofail, Lakshmí, lightning; a co5Così, the flat hand, palm. 5ftā1, blithe, merry, active. -