বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৯৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

5* sts, smelling, scent. [ing. SItafo, siso, the sense of smell. & ! s, the fifth consonant of the Hin doo alphabet. 5 55, a square surrounded by build ings; market-place. 5fo, timorous, timid, startled. 5Cosos, a kind of partridge. 5x55, shining, vivid; sound caused by lapping with the tongue. Boxifoil, glaring, radiant, flashy. 5ozil, district, estate, manor. 53F, a wheel; a system, plot. 535&sifs, one wielding the discus, a name of Vishnu. [emperor. 53Ez őr, lord of a manor, an 5 oz. [65, a kind of water-fowl. 535&so, hurricane, a whirlwind. চক্রবৃদ্ধি, compound interest. 535; 7, a hog, a boar. 5āFI3, a drake, a gander. 5 IETF, a smake-charmer. EFTE, conspiracy. sfoss, the knee. 53át, Vishnu ; potter; a snake. 5:515ff, eye to eye, face to face. 5:F:, the eye. 5:53-ol, a serpent. 5:FCofssor, present to the eye. So, carriage, conveyance. 5*, handsome, good, healthy. 91 ਲਾਲੁ॥ Boots, healthiness, cure; beauty. 5*Tot, a kind of basket. [uneasy. 5&foll, throbbing; shifting; 535, fickle, capricious, unsteady. 52s-1, lightning; Lakshmi. 581, a reed-mat. চঞ্চ, a beak, bird's bill. Bū, sackcloth, canvas; hastily. 555, a sparrow ; jugglery, show. 55:1, splitting, cracking, falling off in splinters. Büssfö, alienation, breach. 551-I, causing to split; a plain. 5üTā, broad, wide, spacious. so, sackcloth, canvas, matting; an inn. 55&T, kneading, tempering. 53&t=1, a flat handed blow, a slap. SÈ5fGHI, viscous, glutinous. 53°ss, quickly, speedily. 53, a stroke with the palm of the hand, a slap. 575, a sparrow. 5 §35, 53ro, the swinging festival in the month of Choitra. 5 gāzī, smarting, twinging of a wound. [brilliant. 5 gos, excessive, very painful; 535, mounting, riding, clambering. 5 F1, an island, shoal; high. 5\;18, attack, aggression, onset. Syssfy, mutual slapping; leapfrog. 5 §I=\, causing to mount or ride.