বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১১২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ख्ञश مم GIRI, production, birth. জনশিন, a wolf. #ifol, the daughter-in-law. gifo, born, produced, caused. জনেষ্টা , turmeric. Sirā, an animal. জন্ডকা, lac. 5FI, birth, production. Gosë, inherent, natural. SoT, born, produced. [tion. SoCoT, transformation, regeneraGiocossos, the greatendoflife; death. SoTIFR, bringing forth, begetting, Si-Tofi, born blind. [causing. East; it, Krishna's birthday. खान्गी, an animal. Sir J, cause, motive, reason. Sir J, an animal; fire. Sios, repeating, pronouncing. sizīzāl, Gossal, a rosary, beadSizifol, a screen. [roll. Eizon, a barbarian ; a swift horse. Szos, grass, straw. gāt, forcible, violent; the camel. Sisas, show, pomp, parade. জমজ, twins. SoT, eating, feeding. GSI, a wife. Siosis, mud, clay, sludge. জম্বালিনী, a river. gota, a lime or lemon. ērā, the rose-apple; Hindustan. si*F, ajackal. 104. डोळे Sirgo, a lemon. Stg:51, yawning, gaping. Šiogos, sexual intercourse. Šiš, victory, conquest; hail. জয়চকক, a drum. Sisäät, the spice called mace. জয়ী, victorious, victor. Sios, decay, decrepitude. § {q, becoming old, being decayed. §§ 753, an old ox. Si31, decay, old age. ŠišTs, the womb, uterus. §:TITS, born from the womb. জরুথ, flesh. Šišićs, very decrepit, shattered. Sã, water, liquor. gäë, a fountain; a pin or peg. Gāzgfoi, a porpoise. জলকর স্ক, a cocoanut. GiīFFEE, mud, mire. gāzā, drought, scarcity of water. Śāoss?, a swamp, marsh, fen, bog. Śāśās, a whirlpool. Gossos, moving in water, aquatic. ŠâEE, shed for travellers. Šišiū, the lotus. §§77, a cloud; giving water. GäCWTT, diseased state of the fluids. Wiśīosos, a cloud, the sea. Gäfor, Gäfisä, the sea, ocean. Gīzā zitzīt, moss. Gāzitz, refreshment, tiffin. Sãzisz, watery, swampy, marshy.