বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১১৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

জহ জলবিষুব, autumnal equinox. go, full of water, deluged. Gossos, an otter. São Tos, luncheon, tissin. Gioiososz, a name of Vishnu. Gioioso, moss. sofo, a snail. goss, watering-place for travelsofoist, a leech. [lers. S&T GRE, waterspout. siążft, a tank, pond. Histol, an alligator. Sã1, a fen, shallow lake; marshy. Sīāsos, a spring, fountain. Biososos, receptacle for water. জলাবৰ, a whirlpool. Sossos, an otter. Sīzifs, secundines, after-birth. জলায়ুক, জললিকা, a leech. GīzāT*s*1, hydrophobia. Siðssos, pond, tank, reservoir. জলিকা, a leech. gåtåt, a kind of sweetmeat. ভালুয়1, diluted, watery, insipid. SiCoorg, fish. ScotWot, the dropsy. sco, a leech. G=G=ITG, glare, lustre, refulgence. **t, chat, gossip, wrangling. Siofo, talking; tittle-tattle. 5°fTG, a chatterer; loquacious. Giof, a thunderbolt. São, time. 105 জাত gotozo, dissolution, destruction. Ez zzz", the river Ganges. gi, husband's brother's wife. sis 33s,chewing the cud, ruminating. iro, pomp, parade; boast. isosos, tumultuous noise, hubbub. iro, a press, a vice. [tight. জাতন, squeezing ērzi, millstone, bellows. §sot, betelnut crackers. Sissos, being awake. sistfol, watchful, vigilant. §15s:ss, keeping awake, watching. sissio, wakeful, vigilant, alert. $15Is, awakening, stirring up, §f£g, saffron. [rousing. জাগৃবি, fire. Sisois, awake, roused, alert. জাঘনী, the thigh. Ště, Gigol, the knee. Sisori, a long mound, dyke. sität, the thigh. [praising. Sisso, inspecting, surveying, apSisois-TR, refulgent, shining. $iiül, cold, frost. Sify, cold, wintry; a medley. 5iisoco, a toad, a frog. Sisos, apathy, stupidity, folly. জাড়ারি, a lime, a lemon. Siso, born, produced, arising. §ss, a kind, species; a festival. Siso, a horoscope; born, produced. sito, a ceremony at birth. compressing,