বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১১৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

জোন o, beautiful, symmetrical. Gwl, a shoe, slipper জুফ, a medicinal drug. [ping. জুবড়ন, dipping, immerging, sopol, gambling with dice. জুয়ার, the flood tide. gatfää1, affected by the tide. Gārst, a gambler, dice-player: Gä, a peep, glance, side-look. Gät, a trench, watercourse. too, broth, soup. <ğ[<U, deserving to be served. sia, a sacrificial vessel. জুট, matted hair, জুৰ্ত্তি, fever. জুভূ, pretence, imposture. ತ್ವ, SBUCಠಿ, broth, soup, porridge. Įgi, a yawn, gaping, stretching. ८ज़त्रिी, the house-lizard. col, father's elder brother. cēYTšīt, self-importance. cool, a conqueror, victor. Cößto, causing to conquer. cēzi, conquerable. *Gifa, a spice. isia, one of the Jain sect. căsă, a leech, bloodsucker. catasa, weighing, measuring. căso, the longing desire of a pregnant woman. CŞitol, a shell-fish. cătă, a hired labourer. জোনকি, çãFUFS, a fire-fly. 108 জ্যোতি csstä, a fen, marsh, swamp. cgität, ravine, gutter, crack. cēts, joy, gladness. cuitfoss, a woman. cēt, lac, gum lac. vã, knowing, perceiving. Rose, aware, informed, known. Käso, capable of being known. rototo, knowingly, intentionally. Rossl, one who knows. ūtsū, relative on the paternal side. Gätý1, knowledge, intelligence. Raizi, knowledge, wisdom. GIRE:, knowingly, intelligently, \gfæ«TR, well-informed, wise. Katit, wise, intelligent, shrewd. & scafāzī, organs of perception. §12in, gifo, making known, publishing. Gög, capable of being known. Eiji, a bowstring; chord of an arc. Gijff, decay, destruction. GITsotsi, geometry. GJITH, elder, senior. cujol, father's elder brother. c5.jo, elder, eldest, firstborn. col, the middle finger. £eijo, the second Hindu month. ouijot, the house-lizard. cgifo, a luminous body, light. জ্যোতিরিঙ্গণ, a fire-fly. CúsissCzá31, an astronomer. cosiso, the zodiac.