বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১১৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বঞ্চি cējists, astronomy, astrology. consofaz, an astronomer. cousso, the heavenly bodies. conso, the sky. CŞJisool, moonlight, the moon. 543s, a fever. GR3 ${, ščffrg¢, febrifuge, good for the cure of sever. [smarting. So, shining, being lighted; soft, virulent, burning, inflamed. soots,combustible,inflammable. Goss, on fire, burning, inflamed. Goss, inflammation, pain. §oso, wearied, teased, vexed. Sosso, kindling, lighting, in flaming. ossil, inflammation, burning. *istoft, a volcano; a place in Chinese Tartary where fire is produced by slightly digging the earth. Gosso, inflamed, burnt; vexed. ব। zirgs, light, glare; nonsense, *KENGl; a quarrel, squabble. ঝকড়াটিয়া, quarrelsome, wrangling. “ , glittering or shining brightness. [crime. বাকমারী, repentance, regret for a *Iss, buzzing of insects. Also, jingling, clanking, rattling. ol, a thunderbolt. o, a storm, tempest, squall. 109 ঝষ

    1. f5, perplexity, difficulty. ArūTorfs, a sparing, scufile. ব্যটিতি, ঝট,quickly, speedily, apace. a Basa, lopping off, docking, be.

heading. a Basi, a storm, tempest, squall. o, a storm, tempest. o, scolding, reproaching. *$31, tempestuous, stormy. 3,3], a standard, flag, banner. ***oso, a clanking sound. of 5, a door-lintel. **f, a jump, leap, spring. **To, a monkey. ass, a cascade, waterfall. 3:Tool, a window. 3ol, dripping, oozing, falling off. 43 oil, a dripping of water as from a mountain ; a sieve, strainer, colander. az át, a strainer; blood-flowing. AFT“, pouring out, straining, drying. Asass, dropping, leaking, oozing. asot, a lattice, fence, cymbals. 351, a daughter. 3-5, dash of waves; flame of fire. o, flashing, glaring, flapping. *FIRF, dangling, flapping; luminous, bright. [ing. AIFTR, scorching, singing, burns afool, a towel. Arq, fish.