বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১১৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

5-3. I 11 诃 ঝুলী , a bag, wallet, satchel. cosy, casioi, a bushy tree, a bush. costol, a large basket. cassos, catgal, a cascade, waterfall. Øsso, broth, soup. Cossail, a swing, wallet; wrinkle. so I so, the tenth consonant of the Hindu alphabet. क्रे । ox, sound arising from the strik ing of a bell; a high stage. FÈ FII, ornament for a drum, as, feathers. Bzo, sour, acid, tart; acidity. টকটক, redl. Boos, emulation; a rap, knock. iso, spade, knife, sword; scabbard; Gaga, borax. [anger, arrogance. টঙ্কপতি, a mint-master. GæstgāTR, numismaties. orsail, a mint. on, a coin, a rupee; the thigh. G*Izr, twang of a bowstring. Boison, a spasm, a cramp. isio, sounded; appraised, esti mated; enraged. GF, a pickaxe; borax. Gēra, borax. oit, a lizard. os, 53so, a dispute, quarrel, squabble. Boo, sudden recollection. 5-(zo, hard, firm, solid. Wooto, overleaping, transgressing. [marry song. Gooil, a solo, a glee, a short ūziz, reeling, tottering, staggering. Božisassia, reeling, staggering. isol, brittle, fragile, frangible. Woo, ballad-singing of religious mendicants. 3:55, singing for alms. Boitz, shuffling, putting off, temporizing. Wiśio, shrinking with cold. ision, appraising; tacking toge ther. issol, appraisement; stitching. BIzs, bald-headedness, baldness. of ozogi, bald-headed. issottà, a mint. otol, a rupee, a silver coin. WTos, a spindle, spinning-reel. Bizos, the roof of the mouth. *I*, a spade; the leg; borax. §To, a hill pony. WToso, hanging, suspending. Gisst, a battle axe, halberd. Wii, a sacrificial dish; sackcloth. FTFTz, pain, ache, throb. its, a screen made of grass. Wiśl, a cup, mug, small basin. Wü, a pony, country-horse. Wiśl, fresh, new, not stale.