বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১২০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

रृङ्गी 5R, strain, tension, pressure; dear, scarce; a sense of dryness. #F, pulling, drawing, attracting. iT-1, tension, warp of cloth; far. sizsä, a rap, tap, slight blow. টাপু, an island. 5TH, procrastination, shuffle. iff=1-I, shuffling, temporizing, put ting off. stfä, a tile for flooring; a pretext. fgain, enduring, lasting, wearing well. fgal, inoculation; a mark; a cake made of charcoal dust used to kindle tobacco on a hooka, &c. fÊzsīgi, a kettle-drum. fêzot, a tuft of hair, crest. টিকটিকী, the house-lizard. foot, a thin slice, a wafer. făşăsă, contempt, reproach. făfog, safús, partridge, lapwing. fäzir,squeezing,pressing, pinching făzvāt, a comment; squeezing. fäzil, a dent from pressure. foil, a species of parrot. Bizos, a comment, an annotation; an innuendo. #2s, note of hand, cheque. টুটী, the throat, windpipe. Éç, ùâ, a bit, piece, morsel. টুকরা, a bit, piece, fragment. টুকরী, a basket. Řzi, a pigeon-house, dove-cote. 112 ঠক

  1. 3, deficiency, flaw, abatement. on, failing, abating, breaking. È<, ἐt, the tailor-bird. টুপী, a cap, hat, bonnet. টুসুক, brittle, fragile, weak. di 51, a harpoon. dữ:II, a spindle, a skewer. cē ĒTĀt, a brazier, coppersmith. ol, crooked, awry, slanting. cis-1, a rag, tattered cloth. c52s, to press, compress;

border of cloth. - Cúžs, a border, verge; indication. (5:11, Özzo, crooked, distorted, aWTY. dārzāzē, censorious, abusive. [ble. dissos, a rap, knock, peck; stumdissol, a basket. dissol, contradiction; a fillip. Cúioi, fish-bait; cap, helmet; drop. CùT*fzrs, convex, gibbous. (FT-T, a crown, hat, helmet. CŞtoss, falling in drops, dripping. cētoft, a hat, cap, bonnet. C5TzTA, sending, setting on, sti mulating. distã, a college; dent, bruise. Çüßl, division, quarter, ward. 为1 5z5, Est, arogue, sharper, swindler. of T, outwitting, cheating, swindling. [tortion. passis, postsit, slander, fraud, ex the