বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১২২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

উড়ি dātīzafi, daring, impudent, auda cious. ÖIos, pecking, rapping; stumble. CITA: ; Ici,pecking,rapping, tapping. CŞiri, a blister; drop of melted metal; button, bead. cồìzI, steadiastness, stability. - ७ ! v5r£,adrum. [thestalkofapotherb. T6II, ET5, a point, tip, nib, peak; Vossos, ending in a point, peaked. wfossi, large, high, prominent. Wol, a large drum. Usos, an affray, raid; flight. USIo, a small drum formed like an hour-glass and held in one hand. Rossossos), an isthmus. Woof, a kind of drum or tabour played on by the fingers. [litter. Voss, flying in the air; a covered Ross, fear, alarm, terror, panic. TATF, GK), fearful, cowardly Ross,grinding, rubbing, trampling. Rol, a muller, a roller of wood OT Stone. ozo, a fruit-basket or tray. wEEZT, Uzzi, a lake, deep water. Reiszt, the right side; a witch. Roß unripe, green; unfeeling; to threaten, to rebuke. Wiśl, a stalk, stem, shaft. [fine. ŠTĘ, an oar; bird-perch; forfeit, a Vosgoto, the common carrion crow. 114 ডিঙ্গা Rérg, to stand; custom, habit; the back-bone. *Toto, standing, standing erect. Rğrgt, a rower, boatman; the beam of a pair of scales. ŠIŲzgi, fetters, manacles, shackles. ডাশ, a gadfly. VT-5, a post, courier; call, shout. VT&T, calling, summoning, shout ing. UTTTEs, a robber, burglar, bandit. WT:Foot, a robbery, burglary. VI Tol, bold, daring, impudent. Uffizit, a witch, a she-devil. VTsIKI, large, prominent, high. UTF-I, a goad, elephant-goad. VT51, raised or dry ground. Viš, WTF, a tooth, fang, claw. WETGĦ, Ff FTF, serrated, like a saw. VEI 21, Hf:31, a cricket-bat, a post. vićt, a post, stake, ship's yard. WETT, an unripe cocoanut. VTsIos, a wash-hand basin. ডাবরী, GT3, a pitcher, small kalsø. Ufā, a branch, bough. Rossifs:t, cinnamon. [down. Víðin, lopping, pruning, throwing VToil, a basket; cover, lid. Visãs, a pomegranate. Usit, a present of fruit, &c.; split peas. fgoal, a rogue; despicable, deÍTES 1, to jump, to leap. [praved.