বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১২৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ডেড় ডিঙ্গান, overleaping a fence. foot, a small boat, skiff. fgfox, a small drum, tabor. . fússor, foam of the sea. fgal, small box, pill-box, snuff box, canister. fgs, fo, an egg, spawn, chrysalis. fos, produced from an egg. fgotsa, a skirmish. figfool, a bubble, waterfly; lascivil ՕԱՏ W01ո:լր. fog, the young of an animal. foss, a small district. Úts, slight of a bird. googol.crying.blubbering, sobbing. ডুগডুগী a small drum or rattle generally used by snake-catchers, jugglers, &e. go, a small boat, skiff. o, Foo, a serpent. yo, immersion, diving. Wor, diving, plunging, sinking. ডুবরী, ডুবারু, a diver. of, immersing, dipping, drownYossi, the diver bird. [ing. §fo, immersed, dipped, plunged. § {T, a fig, fig-tree. ##ĩ, string, twine, packthread. oil, a covered litter, palkee. of, a caldron, a large pot. CW52* 5T, a louse. ce ; şi, a widower. <\o $, one and a half. I 2 o o 557 co, poverty, sickness, disease. GR1, a wing, pinion, fin. Coos, a clod, lump of clay. Coszi, a canoe, skiff, boat. Cool, a puddle, pond, plash; to immerse, dip, plunge. cosis, basket-maker, scavenger. ডোর, ডোড়ী, a rope, cord, string, line. CŞişi, a line, streak, stripe. (EIzi, a granary, storehouse. cosis, a litter, portable bed. Gizi, form, attitude, mien, gait. 【ア | 55, a weight (for scales), a thing to measure by. 5ol, a large drum. 5*, an impostor, swindler. 5R, blastel, faded, dried up. Goi, form, manner, mien, fashion. 53, the water coming down the highland and muddying a river; loose. o, sloping, slanting, declining. ঢলন বি1, the descending of the muddy water from the upper provinces into the rivers of Bengal; the freshes. Poio, outraging decency. 5-5, slack, loose, lax. o, going down, passing away; being slack. [like. 5zig is, sparkling, waving, duid