বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১২৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ঢেঁকী gia, mouldering,crumbling falling BT-5, a large drum. - [in. 5sor, covering, screening, conceal ing. Efzal, stait, a cover, lid, veil. Bizos. Tol, a screen, fence, shade. ETFt, a drummer. ঢাকুনী, a screen, fence, cover. 51st, a concourse of people, mob. UTS:[1, a goose. 5Tă, a shield; a slope, declivity. Ffāzi, pouring,pouring out,spilling. fāzīF, ÍGoffrì, thumping, pommel ling, beating with the fist. foot, foot, a heap, accumulation. fissil, cool; slow. füß, a clod, a small piece of brick or stone. füäl, dilatory, slow; slack, lax. fúñts, pelting with clods. fúñíso, laziness, procrastination. B, butting with the head. টুকন, entering, pervading, intruding. ing. UzETT, thrusting in, stabbing, piercটণ্টন, go, seeking, searching for. ছাভ, a kind of water-snake. E“, nodding, napping, dozing. Bosto, shaking, jogging, agitating. EI, a butt with the head. Boat, slothful, lazy, dronish. CŞū, a wave, billow ; whim. ç5ét, pedal for cleaning rice. 116 তক că51, saucy, stubborn, froward. Căgă, proclamation by the beat of a drum. টেড়ী,an ear-ring. Çüon, invidious comparison. Coffs, showing, pushing, jostling. CE; ȘI, belching, eructation. C5ol, tall, high, lofty, long. C5SIF, illegitimate, bastard; wicked. C5ST, a paramour, gallant. ঢ়েমনী, a concubine, mistress. cos, much, many, plenty. C5gs, a cross; a winding-reel. Cyß, a heap, pile, stack. CGI &R, carrying a load. cürgo, seeking, rummaging for. căIg1, a kind of water-snake. CGTF, a gulp of liquid. CŞfoss,causing to enter; obtruding, pushing into, penetrating. CSI:5, c51&so, a kind of small drum. 이 si, the fifteenth letter of the Hindu alphabet. ○ §o, to, unto, till, until. Voslo, a dispute. *fo, seeking, searching. Kosos, a bolster, a pillow. - Kool, a board, a plank [ing. Sofo, a small board used for writEEF, diluted buttermilk. So, carpenter; fabulous serpent.