বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৩২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

তৃণ 1. smeared with the sulphate of arsenic. [son. of-1, likeness, equality, compariडुलनी, the basil tree; kind of duck. Ross, scales; the sign Libra; ox equality; cotton. EātsTtz, libration. ड्रेला, like, equal, synonymous. Goi, chaff, bran, husk. GHTH, frost, rime, snow, hoar. তুষ্ট, pleased, gratified, glad. EfB, satisfaction, contentment. তন্ত, dust. তহিন, frost, rime, snow, hoar. তৃণ, তৃণীর , a quiver. Tout horns. § {3, a beardlessman; a bull withRoot, a trumpet. o, swift, quick, hastily. § off, the fourth; a trumpet. তুর্ষাজীব, a musician. o,Cotton; a mulberry; a balance. SoTI, Cotton. [brush, pencil. তুলী, তুলি, তুলিক, an artist’s roof, silent, taciturn, grave. তৃণ, grass, straw. §osio, amber or any other gem which when rubbed attracts straws. তৃণজীবি, graminivorous. Mga EEI, class of palms. SoTFJ, wild grain. §oss, the bamboo. Yosso, surety, security. 4 उव्लृ1 Gertā, the palmyra tree. তৃণেীক, a thatched house. go, the third. §3, satisfied, pleased. yfog, satisfaction, gratification. §§§ a serpent. §31, §5, thirst, appetite, desire. তৃষাহ, water. Yogo, thirsty, eager, desirous. co, for that reason. cĚzzi, a tamarind. [ed. Coggs, warping, becoming crookCézitzit, a harpoon, trident. Cocosol, a triangle, triangular. C y 5, lustre, vitality, vigour, ardor. Gāzi ā, GāofTRE, the cassia-leaf. GEē EZT, stimulating, invigorating. ot, shining, energetic, ardent. Coif, hot, ardent, active, brilliant. czsūī£, sharpened, whetted. Col, warped, crooked, squinting. CEETâ1, three-storied. CE ETfārt, forty-three. Cossos, a broad plain, prairie. Coso, a garden, play-ground. CETTE, C'ESTI, so, in that way. coff, even so, in like manner. Coos, thirteen. CETSTü1, a cockroach. Cool, oily, shining with grease. cosol, a soldier; a native of the Coromandel coast of Hindustan; a red amt.