বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৩৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

তোম তেলাটিয়া, ot, a class of Hindus who deal in oil, oilman. Cossos, three-fold. È szi, metallic ware ; butter. tsfe ata, of the Yajur Veds. È szi, oil, unctuous matter. o, a province south of Orissa in Hindustan; a nativg of the same province; a soldier. তৈলপা, তৈলালুক, a cockroach. tosso, amber. to so, seeds that yield oil. তৈলাটী, a Wasp. È Estas, a dealer in oil, oilman. Coso, a child, son or daughter. coso, a kind of metre. Coso, the violence of a stream. су туг, breaking, changing, vilifying. Imouldering bank. corget, a broken precipice; a coi, a bracelet. cosol, a bag full of money; the eves of a house. তোড়ানি, money for others of smaller de rice-gruel; changing mounimation. csig, an iron-headed goad, a stick. cziszil.-stammering, a stammerer. Coto, a pain, an ache. cososol, a parcel, packet, bundle; dried, contracted. cos, an iron crowbar. 125 Gje, তোমর ধর, fire. Cosos, water. · Erzsfgoa, hailstone. তোয়দ, তোর বর, cloud. ofo, the sea. তোয়সূচক, a frog Goiás, a porch, verandah, mound. Øso, Cosă, a rupee's weight. Goiân, listingup, raising, stripping. CETH, pleasure, gratification. Coloss, making glad, pleasing. Cossics. Tw, flattery, sycophaney. co, weight, weighing. cosło, a painter. costs, the dew. 3) of, left, forsaken, forlorn. TJāR, abandoning, forsaking. RJ15s, forsaking, letting go. &J's 5], worthy of being forsaken. Goil, shame, modesty, shyness. Gossosol, a prostitute. gfors, ashamed, modest, bashful. Go, Grā, āors, lead, tin. 37, three, the third. got, the three Vedas. ত্ররীতনু, the sum. GCIWor, thirteen. smoon. Gossoit, the thirteenth day of the §5, moveable, locomotive; the GJIT, a shuttle. [forest. Gai[gol an atom, mote. 33, G3, frightened, hurried. #14, preservation, salvation.